Formani Buying Guide
In Europe, door trim is very rarely delivered together with the door locks. Door slabs arrive on the job site with the locks already integrated, only requiring the levers and other trim to complete the prehung opening. In North America, the expectation is for the door to be simply prepped for all door hardware, with trim and locks delivered in sets, ready to install in the mortises.
Bridgeport Worldwide has developed this buying guide to make it easier for our designers and dealers to quickly specify and price complete FORMANI door hardware kits, so that everything required for proper installation arrives on site together.
The Buying Guide contains locksets for the following collections:

The Collections within the Buying Guide can come in the following standard finishes, depending on the collection:

This guide was created to make it easier than ever to specify and order FORMANI hardware. All the information you need to build your lockset code is defined. You just need to have the essential details—function, backset, finish, handing, and door thickness and you are ready to order.
FORMANI is a global luxury brand. This guide offers a solution for the effortless pairing of FORMANI European hardware with North American mortise locks and interior tubular options.
*While traditionally paired with European-style locks, this hardware can be used with both European and US standard latch and lock options.
Please contact us to be paired with the correct dealer for your location and project. Bridgeport Worldwide maintains an exclusive network of authorized dealers to sell the FORMANI line.
Total Concept Offerings
FORMANI believes that, to be truly successful, projects require all the elements to be in balance. For this reason, all of their collections are developed to deliver a total design concept. By offering all the fittings one might need—window handles, lift-slide hardware, furniture pulls and knobs, door stops, and even bath accessories—like a unifying force, the chosen signature or finish can inhabit and enhance the entire project. Although doorware may seem like just a small part of the whole, FORMANI believes these details can make or break a design.
Download FORMANI Buying Guide